A Meaning for Life
Oct 09, 2023Think about every chapter of your life and reflect on what meaning you attached to those episodes. Imagine now that your future self looks back at your past self and asks why you gave these life chapters these meanings. Your future self might even say those views are distorted and some are incorrect; you must change them.
Fast forward to your future self; what would those separate moments in your life look like today as opposed to the original meaning you attached? I guess you would see a significant difference in the trajectory of your life.
Think of these changes as minor course corrections we make throughout our journey and our entire lifeline; we are in a sailboat heading from point A to point B. For most of our journey, we make radical shifts in the sail and most often lose wind due to those course corrections. In addition, we are most likely to become disoriented in our travel. These significant shifts are usually the result of societal influences, our upbringing, and a lack of confidence in our decisions.
But consider this: If we only make incremental 1-degree shifts in our journey on this sailboat of life because we follow our compass – the human heart, our lives will likely follow the correct path. The heart is where our values reside, along with our personal constitution.
That one-degree shift will not show much in a day or two, maybe not even in a week or two, but look at it from a lifeline; every time we make those tiny incremental shifts in our journey, that one-degree movement creates an entirely different outcome from where we started at point A.
This compass is at the heart of the human condition, our moral values, and our constitutions. It is here where we have the most strength but are also the most vulnerable. Why would I mention vulnerability? Consider the influences in your life from society, family, a plethora of social media, and distractions that tend to influence your decisions. Many of us feel that our intuitions against that moral compass are not always correct, so we allow external influences to guide our decision-making process, leaving us vulnerable.
It's essential to distinguish between external influences that can guide us and give us resources and those just trying to control or manipulate us. It is up to each of us to understand which of these we're paying attention to. I would argue it is better to say no to the noise externally while we say yes to our compass, as that is our trustworthy guidance. The human potential lies in that internal flame within that compass; this can only be empowered through personal choice, confidence, and responsibility.
Life is a journey of peaks and valleys, but ultimately, it is our individual journeys to choose. The most fundamental and greatest human gift we have been given is the freedom to choose. It is never nature or nurture; it is always based on choice. But it's important to remember that nature and nurture are powerful in their influence and thus can distort our meanings along our journey.
Stay focused on your joy, happiness, and serenity. No matter how old or where you are on your journey, a new day is a brand new 24 and a fresh canvas to paint on.
Who will be piloting your sailboat today?
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