

addiction family support opioid use disorder Jun 29, 2022


“Attempting to get at truth means rejecting stereotypes and cliches.” 

- Harold Evans 

Due to stereotypes and social stigma, opioid addiction conjures negative emotions. Though it has become publicly recognized as a disorder, many still struggle with it and look at this as a moral issue as they don't understand why somebody can't stop.   

Families affected by individuals with this addiction will be confused, angry, and hurt. This may last a long time while they witness their loved one’s behavior and the choices, they make seem insane and unnatural while simultaneously unable to return to their ‘normal’ behaviors.   

Another significant challenge with opioid use disorder is that people can remain rational in other areas of their lives. It seems that their behavior around drug use is rational. Many families still struggle to understand that drug use has become involuntary and compulsory. Many families also reject that opioid addiction could be compared to other medical disorders.  


You can take control by learning about Opioid Use Disorder: 


#addiction #recovery #addictionrecovery #sobriety #mentalhealthawareness #addictionandthefamily #addictionintervention #savefamilysaveaddict  


You can take control by learning about Stress and Anger:


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