
Stick to Your Goals & Boost Your Results in Life

addiction family support personal development Jul 11, 2022

Stick to Your Goals & Boost Your Results in Life 

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

Zig Ziglar

  1. Stick to your most important goal 

When it comes to goals, the fewer the better. Are you trying to accomplish 2 or 3 projects at the same time or trying to make several major changes in your life at once? This rarely works and tends to block major breakthroughs. 

The next time you’re tempted to take on more than you can handle, try one of the following: 

  •  Identify your most important goal. This should be something you want to focus on for the next several months or years. 
  •  Set a clear deadline and stick to it. Decide how long you’ll stick to your goal (1 year, for example) and commit to that decision. Give yourself permission to move on ONLY if the following TWO requirements are met: 1. Your deadline has passed 2. You haven’t seen tangible results. If you’ve been at it for several months, tough it out until you hit the 1-year mark. 
  •  Constantly refocus on your goal. We all get distracted. Whenever this happens, refocus on your main goal as soon as you can! You may have to do this repeatedly, and that’s okay. Train yourself to say no to things that aren’t related to your goal, no matter how exciting they are. Why? Because you’re working on your goal right now! 
  •  Do something daily. Re-write your goals every morning – this creates subliminal focus. Take at least one step towards your goal every day. When you feel down, tweak your routine, and do something small. Do whatever you need to do to maintain momentum, no matter how tiny it is. If you are exhausted – scrap it and refresh the next day.
  1. Stick to a course, book, etc. UNTIL you get the desired results. 

Have you ever bought something that didn’t bring the results you expected? If so, did you ever consider that the problem wasn’t the content, but rather your lack of following through? 

There are thousands of life-changing courses, books, and programs out there. If you are not getting anything out of them, you might be having one of the following issues: 

  1. You aren’t fully committed. You don’t make a concerted effort to get as much value as you can from the material, nor do you apply what you learn in the course. To know and not to do – is not to know.
  2.  You lack faith in the program. You don’t really believe that the program will work for you, causing you to take limited action that leads to poor results. 
  3.  You give up too soon. You give it a shot but quit after a few setbacks. 
  4. You don’t go back to basics. When you fail to see results, you don’t consider revisiting the course material. This prevents you from discovering details or key insights you might have missed the first time. 
  5.  You lack focus and patience. You’re taking too many courses at once and moving too fast. This makes it impossible to take effective action and absorb crucial information. 

You should make a habit of squeezing every bit of value you can from the course. Otherwise, why bother taking it in the first place? 

  1. Stick to your habits ONCE AND FOR ALL 

Habits are incredibly powerful because they compound over time. Consistency is far more important than intensity. It doesn’t matter how big you start, your ability to stick to your habit over time is what determines your success. If you start small but stay consistent, you’ll start seeing results over time. How do you lose 50 pounds, one pound at a time.

Now, let’s take a look at 7 of the most powerful daily habits you can have. They all take 5 minutes or less, and you can start implementing them as soon as you finish this article! 

#1 Setting daily goals 

Setting goals PRIOR to the day will double your productivity (write them out the night before). Make a list of 2 to 3 tasks you want to accomplish for the day and complete them in order of importance. 

#2 Write out, then read your goals 

This is a powerful way to stay on track with your goals. You shouldn’t just read your goals, however, you should also ask yourself why they’re so important. It’s equally important to visualize your goals and how achieving them would feel. 

#3 Meditating 

Meditation provides a plethora of benefits that you can’t afford to miss. You can begin with just a few minutes a day. There are many ways to meditate, but it can be as simple as closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. 

#4 Practicing gratitude 

Forgetting to express gratitude is a major cause of unhappiness for many of us. We take everything for granted and don’t fully appreciate the little things in life (or even the big ones). 
Take a few minutes every morning to consider some of the things you’re grateful for. Writing your gratitude next to your goals (gratitude list) reinforces your motivations for the goal.  

#5 Consume motivational material 

In the words of Zig Ziglar, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” No matter how exciting your goals are, you’re going to feel unmotivated at times. Feeding your mind with inspirational books, audio, or videos each day will help you maintain your motivation. (YouTube has a PLETHORA of motivational short videos)

#6 Self-reflecting 

Taking a few minutes to reflect upon your day is a very effective way to improve yourself. In fact, it will supercharge your growth. When you do it, consider asking yourself the following questions: 

  • What did I do well today? 
  • What could I have done better? 
  • What can I learn from today? 
  • What will I do differently in the future? 

#7 Exercising daily 

Getting some exercise each day is a great way to get happier, healthier, and more motivated, even if you’re just going for a walk or doing some stretching. 


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