
#7 Understanding Medication Assisted Treatment - with Dr Jamie Redwing

Tiger Resilience's Podcasts episode 7 focuses on the information surrounding what is medication assisted treatment, commonly known as MAT. Dr. Jamie Redwing, MD, an addiction specialist, joins the program again to share her insight on what MAT is.

There are many stigmas about MAT, and you’ve probably heard some of the myths and misconceptions about it. The truth is that MAT can, and does, save lives. The challenge with addiction is that can rewire the brain, and many people need help to heal from that. The medications approved to treat substance use disorders are part of that help. When taken as directed and as part of a treatment plan, these medications function very differently from the substances that your loved one is addicted to.

(Apologies for a little coughing - I had a little bit of bronchitis that could not be edited out )